Thursday 3 May 2012

that old devil moon again


It's been a while since I've posted.  I've been so caught up in life that I haven't even thought of blogging. A new job, a busy life, and a new home have taken over what time I've had.

I guess life is alright, for right now.  I may be a little lonely, and crave the company of Love's lost, or the new thrill of a love found.  But there is that taunting moon still to watch over me, while I slumber in my empty-but-me bed.

Sometimes I dream of love that is so strong that nothing can break through it. Other times, I give my head a shake and tell myself "love is for suckers." Lying to ones self is sometimes the best way to ease a hollow heart with hunger pangs.

I wonder if the famous lovers of history felt so envious of others loves, when they themselves faltered in finding or keeping it...?

I catch myself lacking the ambition for meaningless sex.  I feel as though I may have had my share.  Maybe more than my share...  But at the end of the day, I'll take what I can get.

Time for bed. Just me, my empty bed, crisp clean sheets, my dog on the floor beside my bed, and that moon. Always that moon.