Saturday 1 October 2011

Freeze Frame Attempt #2

Again I tried this product.  Today (hangover hell day) seemed like a PERFECT day to attempt removing the bags and fine lines leftover from a night of drinking a bit too much wine, and more than a few gin Caesar's.

I applied the freeze frame serum this time directly on my swollen and saggy looking under-eye lid.  Success!  Kind of...  The first eye set in while I was applying the product to the next.  The creases and bags smoothed away almost instantly! The other eye... not so much.  Maybe I didn't apply it exactly the same as the first, but one eye has a bit of baggage left and the other looks like the well rested peeper of a 19 year old.

I think that the magic potion does indeed work, but it seems like it has 100% to do with HOW you apply it.  I will probably find a method that works for me with a few more trials.  Is it worth the $89.00? (I'm currently using a sample until I decide for sure) Probably.  A few more test runs and I'll know for sure.

Problematically, the product doesn't seem to want to play nice with makeup.  The light powder I always return to when hung over seems to draw attention to the residue left over from the freeze frame.  I NEVER use liquid makeup on my face, but I think that would be a bad idea for this serum anyhow.  The rich and creamy foundations would most likely dilute the effects, as washing the face terminates the strong effects of freeze frame.  Or so the yappy Australian woman in the infomercial claims. 

My forehead lines were not as noticeably diminished, but (I have a feeling) it again has a lot to do with my application method.  The instructions tell you to remain still and relaxed (facially), while the stuff sets in.  By the time I was applying it to my forehead, I started to notice the effects on my eyes.  SURPRISE! or at least that is the look I kept having come over my face.  The lines on my forehead show most when I look surprised, so I doubt I was relaxing.

My smile lines disappeared though.

Conclusion to trial #2:
Less residue, as less really is more, and I used it even more sparingly. Also, noticeable effects on my eyes (or at least eye.) 

Man I wish this product came with a technician to apply it for you. But at that point, botox would be where I'd go.  One of the catchiest parts of this product is the ability to use it at home.

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