Thursday 17 January 2013

The breakup, and a case of the crazy curls.

  Last night, the man of my nightmares and I finally parted ways.  I think when I say "finally," I should maybe add that it was only about two months.  Two months of him stealing from my home, and not even putting out.  Gag. 

 I really tried hard to feel like I loved him, to, you know, pretend until I did.  Mission: Not worth it.
Somehow, I just ended up not really caring at all. 

  The plus side is that I escaped with only a couple emotional scars, which really, at the end of the day, can be seen as a blessing.  A scar is just thicker skin.  And by 3am, when the texts and calls weaned down, I was fine with him calling me fat.  He called me crazy, which once would have killed me, but this time I was mad at myself for being so stupid.  Of course I'm crazy, bat-shit-crazy, to be exact.  How could I allow myself to date someone too dumb to realise that from the get-go?  Am I slipping?  Have I gone full-on off the deep end? No, probably not.  But in retrospect, I should breakup with more men, more often, as my hair was fucking fabulous today.

 Giant ringlets of brown, shiny, wild hair!  Glory, glory, hallelujah! It seems the craziness that usually taunts my mind has instead branched out to my hair, and I couldn't love my hair any more than how it looked after the wind tussled it even more on my casual and relaxed walk home.

  Worse things have happened.

This breakup didn't leave me wanting ice cream, booze, chocolate, or anything else one could use to binge with.  Just curly wisps of healthy auburn hair.

Love: Bring it.

One day I will probably find myself a real love, but today I am feeling fine about having my own space.  And I love that I have a little more time for me, and somehow, I like myself a little more.  Win-win.  Besides, nobody wins in an ice cream eating challenge for one...

Interesting to see how far I've come.  My 30's are feeling good.

Tomorrow's task: Buy a gym membership (a cheap gym is fine), and a work-out outfit, perhaps something in light blue.  I look good in light blue. Yeah, light blue.