Thursday 6 October 2011

Someone like you

So, I've been having thoughts of an ex recently.  Not sure why, but he comes into my thoughts every few months or so since we broke up a few years ago.

I miss him tonight so much.  I think I loved how we were friends AND lovers.

He made me be me, forced me to actually.  It was a great time in my life.  My best friend at the time and I had a fight, and as a last trial at hurting me he broke us up.  I think it spiraled into some sort of mess, and kind of cleaned itself up on its own, but never really got back to where it was.

Secretly, I have never forgiven my friend for the mess he caused, but that's a whole other story. 

My ex and I hooked up for single nights here and there over the last few years, but I can't get anything more it would seem.  I want more.  But that's life.

Our recent email transactions on facebook looked like this:


"Dear _____,
It bugs me that you are so handsome. It's distracting.

I miss you.
Is that dumb/lame/sad?"


"Ha ha no never dumb ....
Thank u love :)"


"Well I hope it's not too little too late _____, I know I hurt you before, and I can never apologize enough for it. But I'd really like to know you again. You're a special guy, and I've never really had you leave my mind."


I feel as though I exposed myself too much to him there, but I thought as I sent it: better to say it than to always wonder.

Where is the fucking delete button?
Why can't I delete it?

I feel like I will face a horrid rejection in the morning, or whenever it is that he responds.  Now I will probably continue to check my email every hour until he responds.


But it was all true.  Somehow I allowed him to get hurt, I feel bad, I want him, and Jesus... He just gets more beautiful every time I see him or a picture of him. 

I will figure this out. I will. But it's gonna hurt.  I can already tell.

And what of the Ginger? and the engineer?  I'd gladly walk away, no biggie.  No commitment yet, nothing serious.  I want this to feel serious.  I want him.

Let's see how this pans out.
Maybe I might be surprised?  Maybe it will be a good surprise? 
Cross my finger and toes and heart that it will be.



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