Sunday 18 September 2011

Here's to my first blog.

Tonight seems to be a good of a night as any to start blogging.

I think with the amount of amazing random events in my day to day life, why not document and share them with the world, or the 2 people out there that may or may-not read this.

Work: Full work week ahead of me, and that's starting to feel normal. 13-14 hour days are becoming the standard, and I am fine with that, except when I am unsure of which locations and times i work the following day... like tomorrow... zero idea where in the city I will be.  I have written down my schedule, but misplaced it somewhere. Yikes.

Love: No prospects. 

The man I love and have always loved is so wrong for me. That being said, it is probably a good thing that he is not interested...

I have been patiently waiting on a new friend to introduce me to her "cute" cardiologist cousin.  He's in my age group, has a great job, and sounds great, even if just by association.  That's all I know.

With getting the brush off last week from the cutey I had hooked up with, my fear of rejection is looming.  I'm hoping that this is the end of a cycle, instead of the start.

Food: Made Indian food last night for my friend jackson.  It was pretty yummy.

Friends: Most seem pretty busy lately, with work and weddings, and life.  I work so  much that I crave a night with friends, and for the last few weekends have been getting what I want... Mostly.  Somehow I need to try aand see the people I want to without having to go to a bar...  This (binge) drinking thing is starting to have an effect on me.

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