Thursday 22 September 2011


I am excited about a new job I applied and interviewed for at a medical spa.
I may find out tomorrow, but am prepaired to wait until mid next week before I get worried.

It feels like the perfect job for me. The pay is great, the environment is relaxed, and it's simply stunning in there.

Love: Been missing a lot of a close friend lately, thinking I may be stupidly in love with him is dumb, but fair.  Otherwise why is he on my mind morning through night?  No other leads.

Food: Attempting to eat less of it.

Friends: One of my bff's is pregnant.  Excited.  Another is off to Vancouver with some other friends. (Green is not a good colour on me.)  And a long lost friend has been slowly working her way back in.  Texts, and at long last... a phone call today. 

Feeling under the weather today, so decided a dont go to work day was in order.


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