Wednesday 9 November 2011

vlog-ing, dating, prepping, popping, and Movember

Met the man of my dreams today.  Doesn't mean that I am the man of his dreams though LOL, but *HE* was the one to contact me, after spotting me today. 

I've just vlog'd about it, and am uploading it to YouTube as we speak.  Well, we're not actually speaking, so how about "as I write this..?"  Perfect.

Gonna make some popcorn (hot-air NOT from the bag, cause that's gross), and watch a movie in bed.

Prepping myself for @GypsyFriday to go to India... ugh this is going to be a boring month for me.  However, I have requested that readers and viewers send in ideas as to fun things I can do without her, while she's gone.  Needlepoint perhaps?  I might try to wallpaper the bathroom... who can say.

 I wish her a fun and safe trip whilst she's gone though, and hope she doesn't get dysentery bitten by a shark, or any rabid dogs...  Unless she bites them first, in which case, all bets are off, and I wont take sides. Just so we're clear.

Grew a stache for Movember... HANDLEBARS!! Yikes.
It came in alright.  Lets see what it turns into.

Off to bed.


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