Thursday 16 January 2014

Dates Require Dollar$ /or/ How To Marry A Millionaire

I returned to work today after 3 full days off.
My feet are killing me. 

Somehow, this is the least of my thoughts.

My mind keeps churning the thoughts of lost love.  My most recent, the one that got away. Mostly.  I heard a voice that sounded just like his at work, so I snuck out, heart a-flutter, hoping to see his face.  No such luck, instead it was a lanky white man, late 20's, glasses.  Looked a bit like Steve Buscemmi and Michael Cera had a child.  Basically the exact opposite of my cute ex love interest, being five foot six, well built, and so Latino he looked black. 

When I texted him what had happened, he stated that he had good news, and then explained that he gt an internship, and would be headed to New York City to live for a while.  When he said he had good news, I assumed it would be actual good news. Sure moving to new York is good for him... But I am not him.  I am me. Selfishly so.  I had butterflies with the hope that he would be moving back to his HOMETOWN of Vancouver.  Meh, you win some, you lose some.  I just maybe lose more than others... Or maybe I lose the same amount, on par, except my pie is bigger, as I move so quickly in and out of love...?

Either way,  there's one I can cross off...

Ironically, I have a slight crush on yet another guy, in the same age bracket as the last, which I don't mind.  They can drink in Vegas legally, so 22 is ok for a date or fling.  True love knows no discrimination.  Although, I am not sure I can call anything I have fallen into in the last 3 years "love," let alone true love. 

The new crush lives on the island, smokes far too much pot, and is SURELY not on my team.  It's something to flirt with, and it keeps my mind off of negative thoughts, so why not.  I don't believe he would care if I had a crush, and that's fine by me.

I get paid my first cheque in just 2 days (for just three days of work, before cut-off), although I can't spend a dollar of it.  Saving for a BC setup is going to take effort, and diligence.  The following cheque as well, will go towards my rise to independence.  A small weekly tip-out will have to keep me going until I am able to spend. 

Dating will probably not be happening for quite a while.  Dates require dollars.  More importantly, housing, transportation, storage, moving costs, and food: also require dollars.  Dollars I haven't even made yet.  An alternate version of myself would seek out any date I could find, and after catching him like a fish, have him move me. But this isn't "How to marry a millionaire..." and I am not Marilyn.  I'd rather work hard for the things I have, and the places I go.  But the noted picture was fantastic, by the way.  I just caught it on Netflix.

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