Tuesday 28 January 2014

diamond life isn't alway island life

So, exactly one month ago today, I moved to BC.
A lot has happened.

I'm still at my sister's house, and still working in that small little pub, but now I am the bartender there, and not the chef.

I was fired, for a half a day, over nothing.  Apparently when a co-worker told the office that by the summer the pub will be running amazingly.  The very British owners took that as I wouldn't be trained UNTIL the summer.  They sacked me, but called me back the same day to have me come in.  No apology was given, but having a job is better than not having a job.

My sister is wanting me to fork up some cash if I stay any longer, but I just want to be in my own place.  If I pay her, I'll be stuck at her house for even longer.  Saving takes time, and takes even longer if I have to pay rent.  However, even if I do get my own place, provided a landlord would let me pay damage deposit in installments, I'd have to figure out how to get my stuff here to the island from Vancouver...  That's pricey and requires help.  So I could get my own place, but have no stuff for it.  "Get a furnished place," you might say... Sure, except my stuff is in storage currently, in Vancouver, at a price of $183.70/month including taxes.  So $500 becomes $700 and then I'll never be able to afford to get into my own place with my own stuff, as I'd be house poor.  Tricky tricky.

My sister seems to be struggling, due to her ex husband refusing to continue paying the mortgage on the two homes they own, and some other debts she acquired.  So I feel like she'd like me to stay and pay some money to help out... I'd not mind that too much, if I had my own room, privacy, and proper transportation.  Seeing as I have never had a drivers licence, the law here says I need to have a learners permit for a year first.  My sister lives way out in the middle of nowhere, so without a ride I can be stuck here until she chooses to take me in to town.  A few times I've had to stress to get to work, either arriving there 3-4 hours early, or mooching a ride from a co-worker... The co-worker had to drive from their town, past our pub, into my town, and then back to the pub.  If a ride isn't available, I could lose my job.  I can't see myself wanting to live somewhere that my employment is always on the fence because of it.  Although, after being fired on a dime, I feel a lot less secure there too.

choices choices choises.

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